THE system for personal success that will serve you for life: RAM FITNESS.

Consider for a moment - everything you can achieve when you are no longer at the mercy of situations that cause you to lose your temper, lose sleep and possibly lose people and opportunities important to you.

Too often, our attempts to create positive change in our lives fall flat for one main reason: We don't partner information with the right kind of implementation.

With the right resources, focus and support, you can begin creating real, lasting change in every area of your life.

"This has helped change my brain so much over the last year."

Week 7: Stress and Conflict
You and I will focus on stress management through the lens of healthy conflict to help you reduce stress responses and create win/win solutions even in the most challenging situations.

Weeks 8-9: Intercepting and Reframing
Let's dive deeper into intercepting your unique saboteurs by actively reframing situations and events to reveal untapped opportunities in each. You will continue to lay down new neural pathways every time you practice this positive habit creation.

Week 10: Career and Leadership
Let's capitalize on two months of building your Sage Muscle by focusing your progress there directly on your career and leadership goals. Exposing the saboteur-based traps that have challenged your achievements and exploring the multitude of ways you can turn them into gifts and opportunities.

Weeks 11-12: Planning and Sustainability
This is where it all comes together! You have created real, positive change (and results!) over the last 10 weeks. The last two weeks of the program are when we review your goal- and habit-tracking progress and create sustainable action plans that will be the foundation for a lifetime of success.

The power of a combined approach

Why it works

The overwhelming success of the program is partnering the right information with the right kind of implementation.

Combining these programs into RAM FITNESS is THE path to success personally and professionally.

Our path to success is often blocked because we stop at insight and don’t build the habits we need to be successful.

This is not a one-time or time-bound thing. Truly lifechanging, sustainable change requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.

And that’s exactly what RAM FITNESS - the combined framework of Mental Fitness Training and my exclusive RAM Thinking method - teaches you to do.

Imagine what it would be like to stay calm, stress-free, and positive - even in the middle of chaos or when you're facing a difficult decision or situation

  • in your career
  • in your relationships
  • in your finances
  • for your future
  • for your LIFE

Sane Strategies. Serious Results.

RAM FITNESS is a personalized and immersive 12-week experience that combines the frameworks of my RAM Thinking practice with the PQ® neuroscience program from the people at Positive Intelligence.

This blended program is incredibly effective in developing lifelong positive action patterns that are immediately available for and applicable to every part of your life. Now. Tomorrow. Forever.




15 minutes of daily, app-guided exercises customized for you.

Weekly videos and coaching sessions for deep exploration.

Real-time, actionable results you can track using the app.

* PQ® is a trademark of the Positive Intelligence company.

** Offline and After-Hours support is unrestricted through the PQ® app, and is restricted to M-F, 9AM-8PM EST for Career Insights.